Distinguishing Devotion from Delusion

July 2, 2023

Mark 14:1-11

Sermon by Pastor Nick Krauss; Sermon Text: Mark 14:1-11

After discussing the future, Mark 14:1-11 brings us back to the present realities of Jesus’s impending death and resurrection. It was now only two days before the Passover festival and the religious leaders had still not found a good opportunity to destroy Jesus in a manner that wouldn’t cause a riot. “Fortunately” for them, Judas already decided to betray Jesus after seeing a woman’s act of devotion which disgusted him earlier that same week (Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8). Her devotion to some might seem delusional, wasteful, and maybe even immoral. How would you feel witnessing this woman pouring out a perfume worth one year’s salary on someone’s head (Mark 14:3-5)? How you answer this question will reveal your level of understanding of who Jesus is and why He came.

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Finding Life in Christ Alone

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